The Inescapable Twins of Opportunity and Opposition

I've been chewing on Matthew seven lately. Jesus tells us rain, wind, and storms (basically, opposition) will come. The difference between those who stand and those who fall is not those who hear his words and those who don't hear his words.

The difference is those who hear his words and act and those who hear his words and don't act.

Paul, in the book of Acts (fitting title!), talks about a wide-open door of opportunity that he has and along with it . . . you guessed it, opposition.

I’ve found that when you and I embark on God's mission and purposes, we find that same duo: opportunity and opposition. (Paul gives another shout out to this duo in 1 Corinthians 16:9.)

Whatever storm, hardship, or opposition you’re facing, remember the simplicity of the key to standing firm: listen to his words, and do what he says.

Take one day at a time.

Remember, we can only live one day at a time. Each day, listening and obeying. And then, after gusts of wind and vicious downpours, you’re still standing.

I’m praying for you, that you continue to stand in Jesus, and seize every opportunity—in spite of opposition—to simply obey him and do good for his glory.

With love,

It’s been an amazing Summer. Here are some of the happenings in the UK and beyond…


In June, we baptized 25 people in a beautiful celebration of their move from death to life. Baptisms are one of our favourite things to do. The joy and celebration in the room were tangible.

South Africa

Stacie travelled to Johannesburg with Olivia, our daughter, and a team from Ramp Church Manchester to join others from the US and South Africa for outreaches to the poor.

We partnered with a South African organisation and spent nearly two weeks serving people in squatter camps, helping with their homes, playing with children, sharing the message of Jesus, running kids’ programs, and connecting them with local churches and ministries where they can continue to get support. Our team also saw God’s love expressed supernaturally through healing miracles.

It was a fruitful and refreshing trip, and it was a joy to experience the beautiful people and culture of South Africa.

Festival Manchester

It was incredible to be part of the largest outreach to Greater Manchester for a generation led by our friend, Andy Hawthorne, and The Message Trust.

Over 65,000 people were reached over the weekend, and there were 3,415 decisions for Christ.

We believe new ministries will be born out of this movement, and we’re experiencing a fresh level of unity for mission across the churches of Manchester. God is moving in powerful ways.

Ramp Church Manchester was asked to host pre-service prayer and worship meetings for the Festival’s leaders, music artists, speakers, and ministers. They were powerful times with leaders from across the nation (and the globe) to seek God for renewal in our city-region. Andy told us the prayer spaces were some of the most special times he’s ever been part of.

Young Adult Retreat

We joined hundreds of young adults in the hills of South Wales for a week of growing in faith, equipping for mission, and connecting with other young people. We each taught a session and joined a Q&A panel, answering questions about faith, sexuality, church, and culture.

There’s so much hope for the future of the church in this young generation.

new Church Launch

Since 2004, the Ramp has dreamed of reaching the university district of Manchester. It’s over 18 years later, and a door has opened.

We’ll be launching a second Ramp Church location right in the heart of the University of Manchester campus.

We’re thrilled to be adding this space every Sunday night from mid-September. Launch meetings have already begun as we build a team to carry this mission to a new location.

We’ll be gathering on campus in a chaplaincy building called St Peter’s House on Oxford Road.

Our First Permanent Office space

Our team has grown from the two of us to about a dozen staff members, interns, and mid-week volunteers. We’ve been working from homes, cafes, and coffee shops for over six years. But this is about to change.

By late Autumn, our new offices and prayer room will be ready for us to move into.

There's a miracle in this story, too. Thanks to the incredible generosity of a UK-based donor, we’re signing a contract on these freshly renovated spaces for just £1 a year.

Offices will lead to greater collaboration and efficiency for our teams (which increases the reach of every donation given), and the prayer room will host multiple day-and-night prayer meetings each week.

Next Up…

  • Hundreds will gather from across the nation for our Ramp Conference in September.

  • We’ll have several days of university outreaches with music and exhibits for incoming students hitting Manchester’s campuses.

  • We’ll celebrate Ramp Church Manchester’s five-year anniversary this Autumn.

  • And more, coming in our next update!